Solutions Bridging Imagination and Innovation

NFT Marketplace with Research Methods and Data Science Lab

My roles
UI/UX web developer Team manager

RMDS Lab, a data and artificial intelligence platform, created the first non-fungible token marketplace for science and technology intellectual properties.

Drupal 8, Github, AWS, Adobe Xd & Ai, Visual Studio Code, Google Analytics

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Property Management Software with Home Sweet Management

My roles
Web developer Designer

I developed and designed property management software to help organize and manage residential rental properties with Home Sweet Management.

Github, Adobe Xd & Ai, Visual Studio Code

Icon TBD

The SAID Testbed with CSULA & The Aerospace Corporation

My roles
Triumvirate management Documentation team

Our CSULA senior design team worked for The Aerospace Corporation to develop software components to integrate with and utilize existing industry open-source software components.

Drupal 8, Github, Adobe Xd & Ai, Visual Studio Code

Icon TBD

Solutions Bridging
Imagination and Innovation

NFT Marketplace with Research Methods and Data Science Lab

My roles
UI/UX web developer Team manager

RMDS Lab, a data and artificial intelligence platform, created the first non-fungible token marketplace for science and technology intellectual properties.

Drupal 8, Github, AWS, Adobe Xd & Ai, Visual Studio Code, Google Analytics

Icon TBD

Property Management Software with Home Sweet Management

My roles
Web developer Designer

I developed and designed property management software to help organize and manage residential rental properties with Home Sweet Management.

Github, Adobe Xd & Ai, Visual Studio Code

Icon TBD

The SAID Testbed with CSULA & The Aerospace Corporation

My roles
Triumvirate management Documentation team

Our CSULA senior design team worked for The Aerospace Corporation to develop software components to integrate with and utilize existing industry open-source software components.

Drupal 8, Github, Adobe Xd & Ai, Visual Studio Code

Icon TBD

Solutions Bridging
Imagination and Innovation

NFT Marketplace

RMDS Lab, a data and artificial intelligence (AI) platform, created the first non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace for science and technology intellectual property.

My roles:
UI/UX web developer & team manager

Property Management Software

I developed and designed property management software to help organize and manage residential rental properties with Home Sweet Management.

My roles:
Web developer & designer

The SAID Testbed

Our CSULA senior design team worked for The Aerospace Corporation to develop software components to integrate with and utilize existing industry open-source software components.

My roles:
Triumvirate management with focus on documentation