Hello, I'm Samantha!
Software Engineer Researcher Front-End Developer UI/UX Enthusiast Digital Designer Project Manager
Welcome to my digital playground, where technology meets artistry. I specialize in digital creations, turning ideas into reality.

Tech Self

A Showcase of Select Solutions

NFT Marketpalce Property Management SAID Testbed

My roles
UI/UX web developer & team manager

RMDS Lab, a data and artificial intelligence (AI) platform, created the first non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace for science and technology intellectual property.

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My roles
Web developer & designer

Property management software established to help organize and manage residential rental properties within Home Sweet Management.

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My roles
Triumvirate management & documentation team member

Our CSULA senior design team worked for The Aerospace Corporation to develop software components to integrate with and utilize existing industry open-source software components.

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Empowering Proficiencies

Icon TBD   CSS
Icon TBD   JavaScript
Icon TBD   Visual Studio
Icon TBD   Drupal
Icon TBD   Vue.Js
Icon TBD   Git
Icon TBD   DevTools
Icon TBD   Adobe: XD
Icon TBD   Adobe: Ai
Icon TBD   Adobe: Ps

Earned Licenses & Certifications

Icon TBD
Bachelor of Science,
Computer Science
Cal State LA College of ECST
Icon TBD
Associate of Science,
Computer Science
Chaffey College
Icon TBD
Associate of Science,
Chaffey College
Icon TBD
Essential Training
View credential
Icon TBD
Design Thinking:
Understanding the Process
View credential
Icon TBD
Creating Memorable Visual Presentations

Want to grow together? Let's talk. :)

Hello, I'm Samantha
Software Engineer Researcher
Front-End Developer
UI/UX Enthusiast Project Manager Designer
Tech Self

Welcome to my digital playground, where technology meets artistry. I specialize in digital creations, turning ideas into reality.

Tech Self

A Showcase of Select Solutions

NFT Marketplace

My role
UI/UX web developer & team manager

RMDS Lab, a data and artificial intelligence (AI) platform, created the first non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace for science and technology intellectual property.

Property Management Software

My role
Web developer & designer

I developed and designed property management software to help organize and manage residential rental properties with Home Sweet Management.

The SAID Testbed

My role
Triumvirate management with focus on documentation

Our CSULA senior design team worked for The Aerospace Corporation to develop software components to integrate with and utilize existing industry open-source software components.

Empowering Proficiencies


Icon TBD   Vue.Js
Icon TBD   Drupal


Icon TBD   Git
Icon TBD   DevTools


Icon TBD   CSS
Icon TBD   JavaScript


Icon TBD   Adobe: XD
Icon TBD   Adobe: Ai
Icon TBD   Adobe: Ps

Earned Licenses & Certifications

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Bachelor of Science - BS, Computer Science

Cal State LA College of ECST

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Associate of Science - AS, Computer Science

Chaffey College

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Associate of Science - AS, Physics

Chaffey College

Icon TBD

HTML Essential Training

View credential

Icon TBD

Google Ads - Measurement Certification

Want to grow together?
Let's talk. :)

Hello, I'm Samantha!
Welcome to my digital playground, where technology meets artistry. I specialize in digital creations, turning ideas into reality.

Tech Self